Monday, August 31, 2009
Online Texbook Available!!
The students now have access to an online textbook (see link at right). We have a class set of books for use at school, and at home they will be able to continue their work using the online edition. Directions went home Tuesday. Students without Internet access may check out a textbook for home use.
Week of Aug. 31

Read Stories of Escape (handout). Read Major Routes of the Underground Railroad w/s.
Homework Pick one of the three stories from the Stories of Escape handout to illustrate on a white sheet of paper. Include a title, a picture of something from the story, and a few sentences underneath the picture telling what the drawing is supposed to represent. On Major Routes of Underground Railroad w/s, use the map of the Underground Railroad and the text on the front to answer questions 1-4 (can use same sheet, complete sentences not needed).
I will check Thur. (and Fri.) homework on Tuesday, due to Classzone site being down Thursday night.
Checked HW (answers to questions). Read, discussed, and took notes on Ch. 14 Section 4 (Abolition and Women's Rights) to the bottom of p. 442. Know that Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a speaker against slavery.
Homework Answer textbook p. 445, #3, a & b in complete sentences. Vocab words (be able to spell and define): abolition, Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman, Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Learn vocab words and definitions for a future test.
Checked HW (answers to questions). Read, discussed, and took notes on Ch. 12 Section 3 (Conflict over States' Rights).
Homework Answer textbook p. 383, #3, a, b, and c in complete sentences. Vocab words (be able to spell and define): secession, Tariff of Abominations, Doctrine of Nullification. Learn vocab words and definitions for a future test.
Copied from textbook p. 359, #3, a, b, and c. Vocab words (be able to spell and define): nationalism, sectionalism, Henry Clay, Missouri Compromise. Checked HW (answers to questions)
Read, discussed, and took notes on Ch. 11 Section 3. Final paragraph (Monroe Doctrine) is to be finished at home (P7); P3 needs to finish last 2 paragraphs (Missouri Compromise and Monroe Doctrine).
Homework Answer textbook p. 359, #3a, b, and c in complete sentences; learn vocab words and definitions for a future test.
Checked HW (answers to questions); reminded students to use complete sentences, write legibly, and label the questions/answers correctly with chapter, section, and page #. Points will be docked for incomplete sentences.
Finished reading, discussing, and taking notes on Ch 11 Section 2.
Homework Answer textbook p. 353, #3, b and c in complete sentences; learn vocab words and definitions for a future test.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Week of Aug. 24
Copied from textbook p. 353, #3, a, b, and c. Vocab words (be able to spell and define): cotton gin; Nat Turner. Checked HW (answers to questions); reminded students to use complete sentences, write legibly, answer the question that was asked, write the questions in a block and the answers below the block of questions. From next week on, points will be docked for incomplete sentences.
Finished taking notes on Ch. 11 Section 1 from the Moving People paragraph (discussed main points as we went). Read, discussed, and took notes on Ch 11 Section 2 through Slavery Expands paragraph.
Homework Answer textbook p. 345, #3(c) and p. 353, #3(a)in complete sentences; learn vocab words and definitions for a future test.
Note: Parents who wish to purchase a copy of the Creating America textbook to keep at home (will be used this year and next) can use, searching for ISBN #0-618-68977-X. Also, we're making progress regarding the online textbook version - if all goes well, students can begin using it at home next week.
Copied from textbook p. 345, #3, a, b, and c. Vocab words (be able to spell and define): Industrial Revolution, factory system, Lowell Mills, interchangeable parts.
Took notes on Ch. 11 Section 1 as far as Moving People paragraph.
Homework Answer textbook p. 345, #3, a and b in complete sentences; learn vocab words and definitions for a future test.
We reviewed the presidencies of James Madison and James Monroe (15-min. video from the History Channel). Students took notes, then wrote a summary of what they had learned in complete sentences. They also wrote what they thought of Madison as a president. We then received our Meet Me @ sheets and found a partner.
Homework w/s 64: Growth of the United States.
We reviewed the presidency of Thomas Jefferson (10-min. video from the History Channel). Students took notes, then wrote a summary of what they had learned in complete sentences. They also wrote whether or not they would have liked to have been alive during Jefferson's presidency, and why or why not. We then read and discussed a worksheet dealing with the Louisiana Purchase.
Homework Finish w/s 61 on the Louisiana Purchase. LEAVE TEXTBOOKS AT HOME THIS WEEK.
Copied from textbook p. 353, #3, a, b, and c. Vocab words (be able to spell and define): cotton gin; Nat Turner. Checked HW (answers to questions); reminded students to use complete sentences, write legibly, answer the question that was asked, write the questions in a block and the answers below the block of questions. From next week on, points will be docked for incomplete sentences.
Finished taking notes on Ch. 11 Section 1 from the Moving People paragraph (discussed main points as we went). Read, discussed, and took notes on Ch 11 Section 2 through Slavery Expands paragraph.
Homework Answer textbook p. 345, #3(c) and p. 353, #3(a)in complete sentences; learn vocab words and definitions for a future test.
Note: Parents who wish to purchase a copy of the Creating America textbook to keep at home (will be used this year and next) can use, searching for ISBN #0-618-68977-X. Also, we're making progress regarding the online textbook version - if all goes well, students can begin using it at home next week.
Copied from textbook p. 345, #3, a, b, and c. Vocab words (be able to spell and define): Industrial Revolution, factory system, Lowell Mills, interchangeable parts.
Took notes on Ch. 11 Section 1 as far as Moving People paragraph.
Homework Answer textbook p. 345, #3, a and b in complete sentences; learn vocab words and definitions for a future test.
We reviewed the presidencies of James Madison and James Monroe (15-min. video from the History Channel). Students took notes, then wrote a summary of what they had learned in complete sentences. They also wrote what they thought of Madison as a president. We then received our Meet Me @ sheets and found a partner.
Homework w/s 64: Growth of the United States.
We reviewed the presidency of Thomas Jefferson (10-min. video from the History Channel). Students took notes, then wrote a summary of what they had learned in complete sentences. They also wrote whether or not they would have liked to have been alive during Jefferson's presidency, and why or why not. We then read and discussed a worksheet dealing with the Louisiana Purchase.
Homework Finish w/s 61 on the Louisiana Purchase. LEAVE TEXTBOOKS AT HOME THIS WEEK.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
The first week...
I am really enjoying getting to know the students and seeing their similarities and differences!
Monday, August 17, 2009
Week of Aug. 17

Periods 2, 3, & 7 presented their Bubble Posters (which were then turned in). Periods 2 & 3 reviewed the 'Getting to know your textbook' worksheet, which I collected. Period 7 will finish that on Monday. Homework None. Enjoy the weekend!
Periods 2 & 3 finished working on the 'Getting to know your textbook' worksheet. Period 2 began presenting the Bubble Poster.
Homework Be ready to present and turn in posters tomorrow.
Checked for the Learning Styles Inventory Reflection, but did not collect. Some students needed to modify theirs to include actual strategies that would help them learn and study (to be taken from the Auditory/Visual/Tactile Learning Styles packet (received on Tuesday). We began the 'Getting to know your textbook' worksheet and will finish tomorrow in class. I showed a model of the Big Bubble Poster and explained what it should be about.
Homework Big Bubble Poster due Thursday
We continued with the multiple intelligence surveys and discovered what type of learner we are.
Homework Learning Styles Inventory Reflection. (a) What had you already known? (b) What surprised you? (c) What 2-3 things (from the strategies section) can you do to make sure you'll have a successful academic year? (Use what you learned from the Descriptions and Strategies paperwork.)
Welcome back! Today we spent time reviewing the syllabus, classroom rules and procedures, and getting to know each other. We did the youth version of the Seven Intelligences Checklist - the corresponding half-sheet was collected; students kept the original survey.
Homework is to get the paperwork signed and returned. Tomorrow we pick up the textbooks (assigned to each student).
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