Chose roles for Civil War simulation. Discussed expectations and identities.
Journal Entry #1. Use info from your identity and talk about enlisting and your contingent. Date is shortly after war starts in 1863.
Graded yesterday's diagnostic test for 7th grade Social Studies.
Graded and collected Geography and History Activity 13.
Discussed expectations and requirements for the Civil War unit.
Distributed and began reading Civil War packet (keep your copy - I will not be issuing replacements!).
P2 & 3: Read and discussed 5-6 pages of packet.
P2 & 3: Abolition Arguments w/s - much you will know, some you will have to research (use textboook, Internet, etc.)
P7: w/s 152: The Union is Divided, #1-9. Answer #9 on a separate sheet of paper.
Took (did not grade) a diagnostic test for 7th grade Social Studies.
P2 & 3: Read w/s 151: The Election of 1860. Completed w/s 152: The Union is Divided, #1-9. Finish #9's chart at home if necessary.
P7: Took (did not grade) a diagnostic test for 7th grade Social Studies. Worked on w/s 77: Geography and History Activity 13.
Homework w/s 77: Geography and History Activity 13. Ignore the last sentence of question #4 (it refers to a different textbook).
Collected w/s 26 (and, for P7, the notes to Lincoln's Problems). Read and discussed handout European Reaction to Southern Secession.
Homework Questions 1-13 on the handout. Write complete sentences, leaving a blank line between answers. No need to rewrite the question.
Shared and collected the journal entries as a slave. Read and discussed handout "Lincoln's Problems," pulling out main ideas. Read Who Started the Civil War w/s 26.
Homework Who Started the Civil War w/s 26 questions - answer in complete sentences.