Simulation year: 1863
Checked Journal Entry #18. Read and completed w/s 161-162 on the USS Monitor and the CSS Merrimack. Graded and collected it.
Journal Entry #19.
Simulation year: 1863
Checked Journal Entry #17
Read and discussed The Battle of Gettysburg: An Eyewitness Account by Tillie Pierce. Engaged in combat.
Journal Entry #17.
Simulation year: 1863
Checked Journal Entry #16.
P2 and P3 had a chance to work on the Civil War Battles Worksheet. All periods practiced marching. While out marching in P7, a Rebel officer came upon battle plans and some food supplies and was promoted to Lieutenant General upon his return to camp.
Journal Entry #17. Continue working on Civil War Battles and Camp Life Worksheets on your own (use textbook and handouts).
Simulation year: 1863
Collected Thinking Maps.
Read and discussed handout on the Union victories at Gettysburg and Vicksburg and their significance. We read and analyzed the Gettysburg Address.
Finish analysis w/s and complete Journal Entry #16.
Simulation year: 1863
Checked journal entry #15. Collected baseball crossword puzzles.
Read and discussed Ch 17 S 2: War Affects Society.
Thinking Map of your choice on the section. Brace map or double-bubble would work. No Venn Diagrams.