Simulation year: 1862
Checked Journal Entry #7. Remember to follow Journal guidelines - see above - for full points, and to keep all your journal entries. Cornell Notes on textbook pp. 493-497 (Roman numeral, capital letter, number, lower case letter, dash; remember ONLY the Roman numeral goes to the left of the red margin; remember to indent slightly each time and align characters that are the same all the way down the page). Leave room for mini thinking map on the right.
Develop questions in the left margin - ONE question for EACH capital letter. The questions should be answered by what you have in the corresponding notes section.
Create ONE mini thinking map for ANY ONE capital letter (do this on the right hand side of the page). Do a summary of the entire section (what you have in the notes)at the end (one good paragraph).
Simulation year: 1862
Checked Journal Entry #6. Remember to follow Journal guidelines - see above - for full points, and to keep all your journal entries. Practiced marching and drilling, P3 and P7 played Destiny Dice, and we worked on Soldier Talk and Civil War Slang w/s (with crossword).
Journal Entry #7 and finish crossword.
No class - half-day schedule
Simulation Year: 1862
Checked Journal Entry #5. Again mentioned following Journal guidelines for full points. Watched dramatization of Common Soldier 1862 Interview (took notes on key points). Read and discussed What Did Civil War Soldiers Eat? (handout). To boost morale on both sides, we sang "Goober Peas."
Journal Entry #6.
Simulation Year: 1862
Checked Journal Entry #4. Reminded students of the journal requirements. Read and discussed Uniforms packet (handout); P2 and 7: w/s 42 & 44.
Journal Entry #5.