
Monday, November 23, 2009

Week of Nov. 23

Thursday and Friday
No school - Thanksgiving Holiday

Students had time to work on their research paper in class.
Bring your research materials to class Monday. That will be the last day we work on it in class. Remember, it is due Fri., Dec. 4.

Graded the Civil War Test from Friday and checked Journal Entries #29 and 30.
Handed out the following parts of the research paper: Prompt, Outline, and Rubric.
Finalize researching your country. You will have time in class to work on it tomorrow; after that, you're on your own. The paper (with all parts) is due Dec. 4. See above for guidelines if you are typing your final draft (which will be much appreciated!).

If you were absent Friday, I need your Civil War Battles/Camp Life Chart.
We put Generals Lee and Grant on the hot seat at a town meeting-like interview, during which the audience members asked scripted questions.
Journal Entry #30 (our final one). Incorporate what you learned about Lee and Grant at the interview. We start the research essay in class tomorrow. Do some final info-seeking tonight...

Monday, November 16, 2009

Week of Nov. 16

Collected Civil War Battles/Camp Life Chart. Handed out Bibliography (Works Cited) Guidelines and Examples sheet (use for research essay). Took the Civil War Test.
Continue researching your country.
We will have some time to work on writing the essay in class next week. All parts of the research assignment (rubric to be handed out next week) are due Friday, Dec. 4.

Students continued researching their country and taking notes.
Study for tomorrow's test. Civil War Battles/Camp Life Chart is also due Nov. 20.

Early Release Day - special schedule

Students had time to work in the computer lab, researching their country and taking notes.
Study for Friday's test. Civil War Test is Friday, Nov. 20. Study all three study guides well. Know spelling of important terms and concepts. Civil War Battles/Camp Life Chart is also due Nov. 20.

Checked Journal Entry #28.
We drew country names for the research paper we will be writing this month. Research time will be in the computer lab Tuesday and Thursday; the rest will be on your own. Paper (and all parts) will be due Dec. 4.
Prompt was read to the students in class, and they will receive a copy tomorrow (to keep and attach to the final paper).
We read A Family Reunited (handout).
Journal Entry #29, incorporating information from the handout. Civil War Test is Friday, Nov. 20. Study all three study guides well. Know spelling of important terms and concepts. Civil War Battles/Camp Life Chart is also due Nov. 20.

Monday, November 9, 2009

Week of Nov. 9

Simulation year: 1865
Checked Journal Entries #26 & 27.
All periods spent some time drilling and marching. P2 and P3 read and discussed w/s on the end of the siege at Petersburg and the destruction of Richmond. P7 will read it by themselves.

Journal Entry #28, incorporating information from the marching as well as the article on Richmond. Civil War Test is next Friday, Nov. 20. Study all three study guides well. Civil War Battles/Camp Life Chart is due Nov. 20.

Simulation year: 1865
Students watched and took notes on part of a History Channel video on the key events of April 1865, many of which we have already covered in class.

Journal Entry #27.

No School - Veterans' Day

Simulation year: 1865
Checked Journal Entry #25.
Students performed the the in-class play Gen. Grant and Gen. Lee Meet Again, about the surrender at Appomatox.
Students received the third study guide for next week's test, entitled: The Civil War. Know the content and spelling of important terms.
Students also drew casualty cards. If you were unlucky enough to suffer a fatal wound, you will still continue to complete the journal entries as your home identity (bottom half of your field identity card), a relative of character, or a fellow soldier (perhaps someone from your regiment).

Journal Entry #26. Review and study all the study guides.

Simulation year: 1865
Checked Journal Entry #24.
Read and discussed an article The U.S. Civil War, the First Modern War.

Journal Entry #25; include at least four references to the innovations mentioned in the article we read.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Week of Nov. 2

Simulation year: 1864
Checked Journal Entries #22 and 23.
Viewed and took notes on the 1864 Common Soldier Interview. Read and discussed primary source journal The Yankees Are Coming! (class set). Read and discussed article on Lincoln's reelection.
Journal Entry #24.

Simulation year: 1864
Watched a History Channel documentary on Sherman's the March to the Sea. Students took notes.
Journal Entry #23.

Simulation year: 1864
Checked Journal Entry #21.
Read and discussed handout on William Tecumseh Sherman and the March to Savannah. Completed and checked Workbook Activity 16. Study this info for upcoming quiz.
Journal Entry #22.

Simulation year: 1864
Handed out parts for the 1864 interview in P2 and P3. Will do P7 tomorrow.
Read and discussed an article on the Civil War Soldier's Courage and completed, graded, and collected a w/s on immigration during the Civil War.
Journal Entry #21.

Simulation year: 1864
Checked Journal Entry #19.
Viewed 10-min. video "The Civil War - The Story" and completed worksheet while watching. We then went over the answers in class. SAVE THIS WORKSHEET. The content will be part of an upcoming test on the Civil War. We also read the handout: Weapons of War: Artillery and Guns. The Glory Roaders got a new recruit!

Journal Entry #20.