Collected Civil War Battles/Camp Life Chart. Handed out Bibliography (Works Cited) Guidelines and Examples sheet (use for research essay). Took the Civil War Test.
Continue researching your country.
We will have some time to work on writing the essay in class next week. All parts of the research assignment (rubric to be handed out next week) are due Friday, Dec. 4.
Students continued researching their country and taking notes.
Study for tomorrow's test. Civil War Battles/Camp Life Chart is also due Nov. 20.
Early Release Day - special schedule
Students had time to work in the computer lab, researching their country and taking notes.
Study for Friday's test. Civil War Test is Friday, Nov. 20. Study all three study guides well. Know spelling of important terms and concepts. Civil War Battles/Camp Life Chart is also due Nov. 20.
Checked Journal Entry #28.
We drew country names for the research paper we will be writing this month. Research time will be in the computer lab Tuesday and Thursday; the rest will be on your own. Paper (and all parts) will be due Dec. 4.
Prompt was read to the students in class, and they will receive a copy tomorrow (to keep and attach to the final paper).
We read A Family Reunited (handout).
Journal Entry #29, incorporating information from the handout. Civil War Test is Friday, Nov. 20. Study all three study guides well. Know spelling of important terms and concepts. Civil War Battles/Camp Life Chart is also due Nov. 20.