Today we put together the final draft of the Social Studies part of the survival project.
I collected the rough drafts.
Monday we will be completing the online version of the final Deer Valley Social Studies Assessment.
We watched the American Experience video "Riding the Rails," which tells the story of teenage hobos who left home during the Great Depression.
Keep thinking about the four time periods and your plan of action. Rough drafts are due tomorrow. Stop by your homeroom for a sheet of butcher block paper before coming to class. We will be putting the Social Studies portion of the poster together.
We watched the American Experience video "Surviving the Dust Bowl" and saw real footage from the disastrous decade.
Keep thinking about the four time periods and your plan of action. Rough drafts are due Friday, when we will be putting the Social Studies portion of the poster together.
Students took the written portion of the Deer Valley Social Studies Assessment. The online version will be taken May 24.
Survival Poster - Rough drafts are due Friday, when we will be putting the Social Studies portion of the poster together.
Handed out sheet of paper as "rough draft" for the Survival poster. Discussed ideas for completing it.
We finished watching the American Experience video The Civilian Conservation Corps and saw real footage of how the agency helped young men during the Great Depression.
Keep thinking about the four time periods and your plan of action. Rough drafts are due Friday, when we will be putting the Social Studies portion of the poster together.