Early Release - Special Schedula
Since we were in Homeroom all day, we were able to catch up on what we missed due to the Spelling Bee on Wednesday.
Period 7 only: summary of notes on the TR video
P3 and 4 only - I collected the notes and summaries.
We read and discussed Ch 22 S2: Taft and Wilson as Progressives.
I showed a 7-min. video from the History Channel on the Taft presidency.
txtbk p. 649, #3 a & b in complete sentences.
I collected the Tree Maps.
Periods 3 and 4 watched and took notes on a History Channel video about Teddy Roosevelt (TR: An American Lion - to 50:48).
Period 7 went to the Spelling Bee.
Write a summary of your notes (P3 and 4 only).
As a class, we read, discussed, and finished Cornell Notes on Ch 22 Section 1. P7 will finish tomorrow before we go to the Spelling Bee.
txtbk. p. 643, #2. Instead of a chart, construct a tree map with the same information as shown in the chart. No need to answer the question under the chart.
Welcome back!
As a class, we read, discussed, and took Cornell Notes on Ch 22 Section 1 as far as the end of the Social Welfare paragraph.
Almanac Jan. 5: do a brace thinking map on Ellis Island, then a summary from the brace map info. Due tomorrow.
Extra enrichment: choose any one of the other events that occurred on Jan. 5. Research the event on your own time and write a good paragraph about it. Turn it in to the correct bin. Your paper must have the proper heading, the title of the page (e.g., Jan. 5, Ellis Island), and complete sentences. You will also be graded on conventions (spelling, etc.).
The extra enrichment will be due the following Monday, unless it's a holiday, when it will be due on the Tuesday.