Stories of Escape (handout). Read Major Routes of the Underground Railroad w/s.
Homework Pick one of the three stories from the
Stories of Escape handout to illustrate on a white sheet of paper. Include a title, a picture of something from the story, and a few sentences underneath the picture telling what the drawing is supposed to represent. On Major Routes of Underground Railroad w/s, use the map of the Underground Railroad and the text on the front to answer questions 1-4 (can use same sheet, complete sentences not needed).
I will check Thur. (and Fri.) homework on Tuesday, due to Classzone site being down Thursday night.
ThursdayChecked HW (answers to questions). Read, discussed, and took notes on Ch. 14 Section 4 (Abolition and Women's Rights) to the bottom of p. 442. Know that Elizabeth Cady Stanton was a speaker against slavery.
Homework Answer textbook p. 445, #3, a & b in complete sentences. Vocab words (be able to spell and define): abolition, Frederick Douglass, Sojourner Truth, Underground Railroad, Harriet Tubman, Elizabeth Cady Stanton. Learn vocab words and definitions for a future test.
WednesdayChecked HW (answers to questions). Read, discussed, and took notes on Ch. 12 Section 3 (Conflict over States' Rights).
Homework Answer textbook p. 383, #3, a, b, and c in complete sentences. Vocab words (be able to spell and define): secession, Tariff of Abominations, Doctrine of Nullification. Learn vocab words and definitions for a future test.
TuesdayCopied from textbook p. 359, #3, a, b, and c. Vocab words (be able to spell and define): nationalism, sectionalism, Henry Clay, Missouri Compromise. Checked HW (answers to questions)
Read, discussed, and took notes on Ch. 11 Section 3. Final paragraph (Monroe Doctrine) is to be finished at home (P7); P3 needs to finish last 2 paragraphs (Missouri Compromise and Monroe Doctrine).
Homework Answer textbook p. 359, #3a, b, and c in complete sentences; learn vocab words and definitions for a future test.
MondayChecked HW (answers to questions); reminded students to use complete sentences, write legibly, and label the questions/answers correctly with chapter, section, and page #. Points will be docked for incomplete sentences.
Finished reading, discussing, and taking notes on Ch 11 Section 2.
Homework Answer textbook p. 353, #3, b and c in complete sentences; learn vocab words and definitions for a future test.