
Monday, August 16, 2010

Week of Aug. 16

We graded and turned in the Getting To Know Your Textbook activity.
Handout: Directions for accessing the online edition of the textbook.
Students continued to work on the Map Skills Packet.
Create an account for the electronic textbook (if you will not be using a textbook at home).
The packet is not for homework. Be sure to have it with you next week.

Students finished up the Textbook activity.
Handout: Map Skills Test - students worked through the problems with a partner.
None (we'll continue the Map Skills Test in class tomorrow - it's not for homework). Tomorrow we will grade the Getting To Know Your Textbook activity.

Students shared their reflections on the Learner Surveys and then turned them in.
Students then worked on the "Getting to know your textbook" assignment using the Creating America textbooks.

I checked which students needed to check out a textbook and which could use the online version - we went to the library and those who needed textbooks were able to check them out.
We took a Multiple Intelligences survey to discover what kind(s) of intelligences we have and then graphed the results. Students took notes on the traits of their top 2-3 intelligences and any careers that appealed to them. Many students had time to begin their homework.
On a lined sheet of paper and using the surveys from today and yesterday, answer the following questions in complete sentences. Skip a line between each answer. Incorporate the question into the answer.
Learner Survey Reflection
1. What had you already known?
2. What surprised you (or what did you learn)?
3. What 2-3 things (from the Strategies section) can you do to make sure you'll have a successful academic year? (use what you learned in the Descriptions and Strategies paperwork)
4. What did you learn from the Multple Intelligence inventory?
(a) Did anything surprise you?

I enjoyed meeting my new students! We discussed general rules and procedures. Due to the imminent schedule changes, I will review my syllabus and other forms next Monday. We reviewed the textbook situation and the possibility of accessing the electronic version from home.
We also took a Learner Survey to discover what kind of learner we are.
P4 and P7 took the "What are my learning strengths?" survey. P7 turned in the results of the Learning Strengths survey (intelligences).
Check that you can access the electronic textbook online. Otherwise, you'll need to check out a textbook from the school library for the year. You will be responsible for its return or replacement in May 2011. P4 needs to finish the "What are my learning strengths?" survey and list scores on the half-sheet they were given.